Sunday, September 28, 2008

Hello From HK

Hey all, this is me from Hong Kong. It has been a crazy 10 days here being with friends and checking out the Christian Zheng Sheng school on Lantau Island where I will be working in a year or so. I flew out here on Wednesday afternoon Kelowna time and arrived Thursday evening HK time after a 2 hour layover in Vancouver. First thing the next morning Mr. Chan whisked me away to go to Cheung Chau Island where we would catch a sampan to the school. We toured around and met a lot of the students and some of the staff members for about three or four hours and then returned to Cheung Chau to see the area where we may end up living when we come here. 
After that day I also have gone to the church my friends attend on the Kowloon side of Victoria Harbour and had a great time worshipping there. They have a great pastor, Sam Song, who is Korean and schooled extensively in the US. If you want to check their website it is at Solomon's Porch HK.
I have has a chance to see many sights here and I will post a link when I get back to a Flickr set from my trip. 
One of the cooler things (not according to the thermometer though) was staying for three days and two nights at the school. I had a great time connecting with the kids and meeting the staff. The facilities are very spartan so it added a new dimension to roughing it and I finally feel like I have tasted a small slice of the missionary life. I will give some more details in two separate posts to come, one on HK and one on the school. I need to go now though as I am meeting one last time with Mr. Chan and his boss Mr. Lam.
See you again soon.

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