Sunday, January 01, 2006

Happy New Year

Well here it is again, the year of the new; at least for this week. All the shine seems to wear off when he afterglow of the festive season wears away and the lights which dazzled our eyes are surreptitiously removed or just blatantly shut off. Now the dazzle that came from without is being called from within once again. All the holiday goodness that was out on display must now be displayed and the armchair saints have to pull the lever on the easy chair and hit the road again. I really feel this challenge personally. There were no New Year's resolutions this year and I quit smoking 7 years ago anyway. This year I am feeling that it is time to get back on the field. Whether it is the playfield or the harvest field or field of battle, I know there is a field out there calling me.
There was a time when I received a word about being like a warhorse which had come out of the stables but then went back in for some unknown reason. Guess I need to apologise to the rest of ya for staying in the barn while you've been hard at it. I hope my contribution will alleviate some of the burden for you.

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