Brain saturation is an uneasy condition with only one remedy, release. Cerebral drip-dry.
Friday, December 21, 2007
What Is Our Call
Friday, December 14, 2007
Ask Not What You Can Do For God
Thursday, December 13, 2007
What A Difference A Word Can Make
One of these points for me has been John 8:32 where Jesus says that the truth shall set us free. It seems that for so long I have believed that what He really meant was that the truth can set you free. The fact is that He said it would set me free. The problem is that when I do not see freedom then I change the word to make it fit my reality instead of the other way around. In this case it is when I do not see freedom in my life then I doubt that His word is for real or even for me. The reality is that this is a litmus test for the presence of lies in my life. Where there is no freedom then there is a lie blocking the flow. When this lie is dealt with the power of the word enters in and does precisely what it says it will which is usher in freedom.
The only unfortunate things is when we get caught for so long in a lie that we fail to see it anymore. It is at these times that God uses other people so effectively. He sends people who will grind into us in the location of weakness so that we can more easily identify the issue and allow Him to change it. Then, when I follow what the verse above says, Jesus sets me free. How simple is that! The other thing is that Jesus is the truth, so I don't need to get to know some obscure, dusty facts in a library like a wizard's apprentice looking for the right spell. It is all about intimacy with a person who will speak to us, guide us, encourage us and more, all from a heart of never ending love!
Thursday, November 22, 2007
Hang Drum...Not Hum Drum
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Servant Of All
- Jesus doesn't mind the title. The depth of this humilty is unsearchable and yet it is part of the core of who Jesus is. Of all the titles His is given this one opens the door the widest to the character traits of mercy, justice and compassion.
- This should begin a revolution in my prayer life as the fact sinks in that He is never put out by a request for aid. I have known this before, but not at the level of partnership. It has always been a servant and master kind of thing or at least a teacher and student relationship.
- This shows up so much of how we structure leadership and how we approach leaders. In fact this may explain why we tend towards a religious mindset so often. Even in our best efforts our tendancy towards religion creep along beside us because we find these parts of God so foreign to our thinking.
- This makes serving easier. I know that sounds weak and pathetic, but it is true. Knowing that in serving I am elevated with Christ makes it so much more fun. There is nothing threatening about it at all because when I go low I am with Jesus and He is above all pricipalities, powers and names that can be named so there is truly nothing to lose. Sorry if that sounds crass, but I find it very liberating.
I will leave it at that for now because I hear my wife doing the dishes and I want to have some fun too.
Yeah God!
Thursday, November 01, 2007
Friday, October 12, 2007
I Had To Add This One!!! Go God!!!
A Good Word From Graham Cooke
Thursday, October 04, 2007
Post #200......(Pass The Cake Please)
9...and to bring to light what is the administration of the mystery which for ages has been hidden in God who created all things;
10so that the manifold wisdom of God might now be made known through the church to the rulers and the authorities in the heavenly places.
11This was in accordance with the eternal purpose which He carried out in Christ Jesus our Lord...
I love this verse because it says there are many facets of God's wisdom and that these facets are being reflected through His people. He is showing it to the rulers and authorities that didn't get it when they rebelled from heaven. So now it is our chance to show it off. The catch is that none of us has the capacity to show it all off. We need others to show the parts we are not called to show. If I look to the apostles I quickly see that even those who were with Jesus for 3 years never assumed that they could do it all themselves nor that they were expected to fulfill all the offices and duties of the church. So now I look around and I see so many unique calls and duties that God has given to His children. I see those who by faith will gain riches for the kingdom and I see those who by faith forsake all riches to go to the darkest places of the world with the gospel. I see those who by faith pray and intercede for people and cities and I see those who by faith evangelise and transform people and cities. There are those who by faith establish radio and television stations to spread the word and those who by faith go to places where there is no radio and television to spread the word. There are those who stand by faith before governments to profess Christ and those who by faith suffer torture by governments for professing Christ. Above all this though I see a vision of a united body where all the parts are working and supplying to one another from the bounties of their faith. I see a body with no divisions of denominations where people of faith give to one another without measure. A body where the rich don't tell the poor to step up their faith, but rather pony up some cash. A body where the intercessor doesn't tell the evangelist to soften his own ground with prayer but rather partners to target and take down strongholds and set prisoners free. A body where the poor don't tell the rich to pack a food hamper but rather bless them to plunder the wealth of the nations for the kingdom. A place where the evangelist doesn't bash the prayer warrior for only opening his mouth in his closet but rather shares his gift and anointing to effect change in the intercessors sphere as well. A body where, as a dear brother of mine always says, we esteem each other as better than ourselves.
Sunday, September 30, 2007
Return To Silence
And then the lawless one will be revealed, whom the Lord Jesus will overthrow with the breath of his mouth and destroy by the splendor of his coming.
Saturday, September 29, 2007
To My One True Fan...(How Weird Is That?)
Sunday, September 02, 2007
Who's A Bigot Anyway?
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
Yay God!!!!
The Lord is so good. We have prayed and interceded for these S. Korean brothers and sisters for weeks now and God has shown His mercy to all concerned.
Early on as we pressed in and the reports of hostages being killed started to come in the Lord spoke of how extravagant His love is for the Taliban fighters who did the killing. As He sacrificed the life of His own Son for us He showed that He is willing to spend our lives to see others free as well. The testimony of these brothers who gave their lives has gone not only to the Taliban, but to the rest of the world who are asking what provoked them to go to such a dangerous place. The answer rings back: The love of Jesus compelled them to go! This testimony is not lost.
Now we hear the glad news that the rest of the hostages are to be released upon S. Korea's agreement to withdraw troops from Afghanistan (which they were already going to do) rather than the original demand for a prisoner swap. They come home at last! We weep for the loss and we weep with joy for the gain. Welcome home sweet brothers and sisters!!!
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
Sunday, August 19, 2007
Thoughts On My Thoughts
Isn't It Interesting....
Monday, August 13, 2007
I Always Knew It
Mingle2 - Dallas Singles
This really came as no surprise.
Been a long time away perhaps it is time for a kiddies story or two.
Monday, July 23, 2007
After the Storm
I lived in Saskatoon for four years and got quite used to seeing amazing skies; thus the 'Land of Living Skies' on the licence plates. Every once in awhile, though, God impresses upon me that all skies are living, simply because He made them. This shot was taken out the front door in Kelowna after we had some thunderstorms rumble through. I ripped myself away from Rosetta Stone and grabbed the cam to get this and a few others.
Thanks Dad!
Live From China
Thursday, July 12, 2007
Isn't It Interesting....
I Gotta Try This One Day!!!
Tuesday, July 03, 2007
Missional Widescreen
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
Sunday, June 24, 2007
Isn't It Interesting....
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
Isn't It Interesting....
The Plight Of The Karen People
We are praying for a peaceful solution to this crisis and that these brothers and sisters can live and worship in peace without fear of military incursions.
Friday, June 15, 2007
Isn't It Interesting....
Thursday, June 14, 2007
Isn't It Interesting....
note: links do not indicate support, only a source of information.
Monday, June 11, 2007
Sunday, June 10, 2007
Isn't It Interesting....
Wednesday, June 06, 2007
News Of The Persecuted Church
Tuesday, June 05, 2007
Arise Kelowna
The whole idea is not to rally for a rah rah team cheering session, but rather to enter into a fasted lifestyle which will bring forth the power of God in our society and culture once again. It is a call to repentance for the church, for without this we will never change our times. It is a call to draw the line in the sand as Moses did at the base of Sinai and bring our hearts out of the world and into God.
I am also happy to say that my daughter has some awesome examples to follow in this generation and that brings the Lord's comfort to this dad. I know these gals are not alone either.
If you are from the Kelowna area please consider registering for this and entering into prayer both now and after, because this does not stop on 08/07/07. It is time to make war on the enemies of the Lord and we most effectively do this on our knees. If you are not from this area, please consider
- Getting this going in your area or even just your homegroup, circle of friends or around the kitchen table.
- Praying for these gatherings as they spring up, that the Lord would be allowed free reign to change the lives of His people.
- Not only prepare for war, but make war because the whole thing about the gates of hell not prevailing means that we are the ones attacking. (It doesn't say the hordes of hell, it says the gates of hell) Go in and plunder!
- Dismantle the siegeworks between each other. Unity is the key to all of this. As long as we are fighting each other we cannot fight the enemy. Seek the commanded blessing of Psalm 133
A Song of Ascents.
1 Behold, how good and pleasant it is
when brothers dwell in unity!2 It is like the precious oil upon the head,
running down upon the beard,
upon the beard of Aaron,
running down on the collar of his robes!3 It is like the dew of Hermon,
which falls on the mountains of Zion!
For there the Lord has commanded the blessing,
life for evermore.
Bless you as you seek the Lord.
Isn't It Interesting....
Friday, June 01, 2007
Isn't It Interesting....
Wednesday, May 30, 2007
Persucuted Church Prayer Alert
El-Akkad is currently at home with his family. He returned to find hundreds of letters and cards waiting for him that had been mailed over the past few months in a concentrated letter-writing campaign from Christians around the world. According to local Christians, he is being closely monitored by authorities and continues to be under threat.
The feature article of the July edition of The Voice of the Martyrs Newsletter will focus on the difficulties facing Christians in Malaysia. To subscribe today, click here.
Isn't It Interesting....
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
How Do Ya Embed These Things???
Let us not forget to pray.
This is another link to a separate story, also from India.
Isn't It Interesting....
Monday, May 28, 2007
Isn't It Interesting....
Sunday, May 27, 2007
Isn't It Interesting....
that those who reject the gift of tongues because people might not understand what they are saying never pray in tongues to God who will understand?
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
Persecution Prayer Alert
Evangelist Attacked, Arrested in Madhya Pradesh, India
Pastor Kunal Pariacha, an evangelist from the Indian Evangelical Mission, was attacked by members of the Siva Sena Hindu militant group in Narayanpur village, Madhya Pradesh while he was preparing show the Jesus film on the evening of May 14. The militants beat Pastor Pariacha and dragged him to the local police station where a complaint was registered against him under Section 153 of the Indian Penal Code and Section 4 of the Madhya Pradesh Freedom of Religion Act. He was brought to court on May 15 but denied bail.
Dr. Joseph D'souza, president of the All India Christian Council, has written an open letter to the leaders of India urging action in the face of increasing persecution of Christians in the nation. To read the letter, click here. The Voice of the Martyrs would urge you to write to India's Prime Minister as well, using the address supplied in this letter.
Pray that all charges against Pastor Kunal will be dropped and that he will be released. Ask that his persecution will embolden his faith (Acts 4:29 -31). Ask God to enable Indian Christians to proclaim the Gospel even while suffering (2 Timothy 4:16-18).
For more information on the persecution facing Christians in India, click here.
Monday, May 21, 2007
Say What??
So who are these people in the no-man's-land??? Veeerrrrryy scary.
Saturday, May 19, 2007
The Responsibility Of The Presence
Sunday, May 13, 2007
Through A Glass Darkly
I was going to try and write some profound stuff after this intro, but it just seemed weak right now. I'll get back to you when there's a little more substance to it.
Saturday, April 28, 2007
The Magnificent Hand Of God
There is yet to be in my life a place where His presence has not found me and shown me love, grace and hope. It leaves me feeling foolish when I feel strong and rejoicing when I am convinced of my weakness. He is a river which moves me, and the current ever draws whether I float, swim or cling.
How can I not be undone by a love that is so persistently pervasive and persevering? How can I not be humbled by such overcoming holiness?
In fact, I remember a time when I was praying and the Lord showed me that as I pled the blood of Jesus I was taking the holiest of sacrifices and sprinkling it on all things defiled. Yet He was pleased. His joy in saving overcoming the very idea of pride. The humilty of God astounds me, even as the majesty of His power baffles.
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
Home Stranded in Chongqing 重庆钉子户
This is a 'You-Tube' video news story on a fight for property rights in China. The couple involved have been fighting for 3 years according to the AP story. If you go to 'You-Tube' (by clicking on the link at the bottom corner of the video) you will find more stories in English and Chinese.
There is also a commentary from RFA (Radio Free Asia) regarding this battle and the history behind it. We continue to pray for this vast land and its many wounds.
Sunday, April 08, 2007
Saturday, April 07, 2007
A Brief Expose
Like the man of war
Piercing with every word
Trained hand staying
The most valiant defence
Hewing expertly through bone
Laying sword to scar
Opening afresh
The fighter lapses, lunges
Drunkenly, words clash,
Scatter, shatter
Hands fall limp
The fighter's fight is fought
The wounds, the blood
The words
These are his home
B Koop (Apr 7/07)
Monday, March 26, 2007
"An Atom Bomb Of A Book"
Thursday, March 01, 2007
So Much To Say, But No Time To Say It
Saturday, February 17, 2007
Why We Fight
This will have to be the next movie I rent. It has remained on the shelf after numerous viewings of the package, but next time it's coming home. The website has some great footage to whet your appetite and the header on the movie poster really caught my eye. It says ' It is nowhere written that the American empire goes on forever.'. I have, in the light of biblical history of empires, been spouting this kind of stuff for years; kinda nice to see it out there in black and white.
Anyway, that's my tribute to movies. If you are interested in giving an opinion on the worst movie of all time just go to my buddy Dawson's blog. The battle is raging on there.
Saturday, February 10, 2007
Is It Really Here!!???
This one of his latest posts is poignantly simple....I love it.
Wednesday, February 07, 2007
A Device To Root Out Evil
I went to Vancouver with a friend this last weekend and while walking along the seawall area I came across this sculpture. I could say a lot of things about it, but this time I will leave it to the brave few who want to leave a comment. The inset shows the plaque which gave the sculpter's name and the title of his work.
So what do you think????
Saturday, January 27, 2007
In The Beginning
PS While your checking out foreign papers try this for podcast news from the JP.
Winter in.......Abbotsford???
Believe it or not this was taken a week or so before Christmas at my folks place in Abbotsford, B.C.. It doesn't happen often, but for all the folks who chuckle at the Fraser Valley and their idea of winter here ya go. They didn't even have to call in the army or anything, brave folks that they are.
A Humbling Thought
The Unreasonableness of God
Taken from an excerpt of his book"The Oracles of God"
I shared and viewed the sufferings of many fellow prisoners in an underground Communist prison. What intrigued us the most was that we did not obtain from heaven what it was obviously reasonable to us to expect: a slight improvement in our situation, food to quiet our hunger, and abatement of our cruel torture. We did not get what we expected because heaven is not - humanly speaking - reasonable.
Jesus said, "There will be more joy in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine just persons who need no repentance (Luke 15:7)". This is surely not reasonable (from a human standpoint).
Nowhere does the Bible speak about the "reasonableness" of God, according to man's reasoning. Was it reasonable to sacrifice the unique Son of God for witless, dirty, dumb sheep? I have asked many shepherds what they would do if they saw a wolf. They all replied, "We would run for our lives". No man dies for sheep (at least not a "reasonable" one). Yet the Lord Jesus Christ did. He died for beings much worse than sheep - for those who denied and betrayed Him, for those who demanded His crucifixion. He died for His killers and prayed that the Father forgive them. Would you say that Jesus' actions were "reasonable"?
Do not be surprised if you fail to get from God what you might reasonably expect. If He were truly "reasonable", He would never listen to the prayers of sinners like us who continue to disobey Him time and time again. If God were truly "reasonable" we wouldn't even have salvation. Rather, our God listens, loves and forgives far beyond the point of folly and "reason".
If you feel that you are in the sad situation of not being able to understand His reason, nor feel His mad love, just remember that following Christ is not about logic or reason or some great feeling that you are hoping to experience - IT'S ABOUT FAITH! Those who are faithful will continue to press forward even when God doesn't make any sense to them and even when it feels as if He is not with them. Those who are faithful will stand strong in their belief of the teaching of Hebrews 13:5: "I will never leave you nor forsake you".
When in solitary confinement, I waited for years for God to come to my aid. In solitary we were happy about His mad love even in moments when we did not "feel" it.
Do not count on "reasonableness" from heaven and you will never be disappointed. Do not expect God to operate according to your limited and sinful ways of thinking and you will never be upset with Him for not answering your prayers in the way that you want them answered. Count only on the fact that He loves you to such folly that He condescended to leave His throne and come down into a sin cursed world to die for you. Forget about sweet "reason" and continue to follow Him no matter what your circumstances may be. For as faithful Job once said, "Though He slay me, yet will I trust Him".
Wednesday, January 24, 2007
Some Statuary For Pasha
Monday, January 15, 2007
A Different Point Of View
As an aside, if you want to check out some great pics from all over China check out this link. Do yourself a favour though and install the east asian language packs or you'll be pop-up killing all the way through it.
My own personal take on the above article is that the U.S. has long worked at keeping the rest of the world at arms length. By this I mean that they are quite content to keep people at a level beneath them so that they can continue to ensure their own lifestyle at the expense of the rest of the world. They, of course, are not the only ones, but they are the largest and most visible from our northern vantage point. It really is no wonder to me that the Arab world has such a hate on for them, nor that the enemies of the U.S. would find ample allies in the 3rd world. The rape of the nations to fuel Notrth American comfort will only go on for so long before the balance shifts. History has always shown this to be true. Just yesterday I was reminded that when the Nazis began their rise to world domination they had the most powerful army on the planet which, if not for multiple armed forces converging on them, would have achieved its ultimate goal. The U.S. is currently the most powerful armed force on earth, but again, this means nothing in historical terms. The current government in China owes its origins to the last one pissing off enough poor people that they finally rose up. The U.S. needs to understand the responsibility it has to the rest of the world is not to try to export its idea of democracy or lifestyle, but rather to aid in bringing other nations to a place of self sufficiency. They need to seek equality around the globe, but not base it upon their own ideologies. The fiasco in Iraq is a prime example of what happens when we try to cram our ideals down someone else's throat. Saddam needed to go, but the nation of Iraq does not need to be a little america. Iraq needs to be Iraq just as much as I need to be who I am and you need to be you. The war, the oil, the politics aside our leaders need to seek cultural and socio-economic peace rather than ideological peace. I believe dictators would have a lot less chutzpah if they were in a world united across these lines rather than the current pool of paranoid naval-gazers we have now. Boy, do we ever need to pray for our leaders. They NEED Christ now!
Friday, January 12, 2007
Too Cute
Tuesday, January 09, 2007
5 Things you may not know about me.
#1. I used to have a dog named Snoopy, but she was a she not a he.
#2 Most of my life has been spent in B.C., but I was born in the prairies.
#3 I only got into construction because during the days I was doing drugs it was the easiest thing to get into. I have found out though, that you don't actually have to be stoned to be a carpenter, or at least to be a good one.
#4 I started smoking on the night of my grade 12 graduation. It has been said that if you haven't started by then you probably never will. I always seem to leave things right to the end.
P.S. Been quit now for 8 years now
#5 I'd still pick S'toon over Kelowna for a place to live in Canada. Course I've never been to Cornerbrook.
So there you go. Since I don't know who all reads this thing you'll have to leave some sign of your passing for me to know where your tag is.